Jim Parsons' Podcast

Episode 214: The God Who Shows Up - Looking for God in Messy Places



As we continue, "Looking for God in Messy Places," based on a book by Bishop Jake Owensby by the same name, we are challenged to see God in our midst. It might be in creation, in a beautiful sunset. It may be while we are walking through hell on earth. We are promised that God is always with us...and in that promise anchors our hope. Please join us at 10:00am in person (1630 Statesville Blvd in Salisbury, NC) or online at the link below. Thank you again for worshipping with us. For more information about our congregation, please visit our website at milfordhillsumc.org. If you would like to support Milford Hills UMC in our mission to Love, Serve, and Live as Christ, please feel free to go to milfordhillsumc.org/give and support our congregation through or Tithe.ly app.