Drew And Mike Podcast

Drew And Mike – May 1, 2023



Late Night TV is dying, Texas massacre manhunt continues, Aaron Carter Hulu doc, Drew Crime: Very Scary People, 50 "Awesomely Bad Songs", YouTube reaction videos, and Antonio Brown's Albany football team's issues. What time is it? Because Drew doesn't feel good. His hip hurts. Texas Massacre shooter Francisco Oropesa is nowhere to be found. Turns out you just can't keep him out of the US. Greg Abbott is in trouble for calling the victims 'illegal immigrants'. Lori Vallow's son was buried with her hair stuck to his binding duct tape. Warren Mayor Jim Fouts has a new blood boy... and he's a hero! James Corden is finally done at CBS...after he lost them a lot of money. Payton Thorne & Keon Coleman are leaving MSU in the transfer portal. Steven Crowder fans defend him on our YouTube video. Crowder has a defense. All We Do is Lists: VH1's 50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs Ever. Black people sing these songs better than the white people that did them first. Aaron Carter's documentary dropped on Hulu. Hunter