Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Effects Of Exercise, Carbohydrates, Saturated Fat, Protein, Fiber & Micronutrients On Sleep!



This is a special Premium audio episode. Click here to activate a Premium subscription to the BenGreenfieldFitness show and access this and over 300 additional hidden audios, videos, pdf's and more! I recently read one of the best three-part series on sleep that I've ever seen, entitled "The effects of nutrition and exercise on sleep" and covering, in order of appearance in Alan Aragon's Research Review, "Part 1: Macros, energy restriction, meal timing and composition", "Part 2: Micronutrients and sleep" and "Part 3: Exercise and sleep". The series included several very interesting bullet points, including, from Part 1: -Consider consuming high-glycemic carbs 4h before bed if the aim is to fall asleep faster. -Do not consume an excessively large meal right before bed. -Higher protein (>1.5g/kg) may help sleep in the case of energy deficits. -A high-carbohydrate diet may shorten wake times. -Consume adequate fiber. -Keep saturated fat intake low to moderate. -Keep total fat intake relatively low at dinner a