Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Doubling Your Testosterone Levels, Tactics From The World Of Speed Golf, Primal Endurance & More With Brad Kearns!


Synopsis Brad Kearns, at 52 years old, has doubled his testosterone levels in the past year. He has abandoned life as a pro triathlete and instead conquered the world of speed golf and high jumping. He has successfully trained his body to become a potent fat burning machine and transition completely out of carbohydrate dependence. He's a successful author is a noted speaker, author and coach in the health and fitness world for three decades. As the President of Primal Blueprint Publishing, Brad works with Mark Sisson to promote all aspects of primal living. He helped develop the Primal Health Coach certification program, has delivered dozens of Primal Transformation Seminars across the USA, and organized and presented at nine PrimalCon health and fitness retreats around the world from 2010-2014. He and Mark authored the 2015 release, Primal Endurance, a comprehensive guidebook on how to escape the carbohydrate-dependent, overly stressful conventional approach to endurance traini