Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

How To Treat Cancer With Chinese Medicine: What Happened When Chinese Herbologist Roger Drummer Got An "Incurable" Cancer.


Synopsis Roger Drummer is a Diplomate of Chinese herbology and holds a U.S. patent for growing biologically active, anthocyanin-rich medicinal mushrooms. Roger’s 27 years of experience as a Chinese herbalist ranges from formulating personalized tonic herb and nutritional programs for tens of thousands clients, teaching and training apprentices in the art of tonic herbalism. Roger has studied a variety of healing modalities including Jin Shin Do, Shiatsu, Pranic Healing, Sat Nam Rasayan, Jin Shin Jitsu and is a Reiki Master. Roger is the co-owner and formulator of, makers of TianChi and Inner Peace. He's been a previous podcast guest on the episodes: -The Zen Of Chinese Adaptogenic Herbs: An Interview With The Inventor Of World’s Most Potent Adaptogens. -The Zen of Chinese Herbs – Everything You Need To Know About How To Boost Your Brain Power With Herbology. -Chinese Medicine & Why Sugars Don’t Add Up Right on Food Labels. In our last email correspondence