Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Forsaking A Relentless Pursuit Of A Better Body: How To Find More Purpose & Meaning In "Fitnessing" & Make A Bigger Difference In The World.



Three years ago, I read two life-changing books that completely transformed the way that I think about my own purpose and meaning in life, and whether I'm truly making a difference in the world or whether I'm simply engaged in a relentless pursuit of "fitnessing" without actually making an impact in anyone's life. The books - titled "Unfinished" and "Hole In The Gospel" - were written by author Rich Stearns, the president of a company called World Vision - a global Christian humanitarian organization that partners with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Within just a few weeks of reading the books, my children and I had "adopted" a little girl from Ethiopia, who we send gifts and financial support to each month. We'd also begun volunteering more in our local community and doing a better job teaching others about the importance of purpose and passion in life, love and relationships, and belief in a higher power. These are all