Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Why A High-Fat, Ketogenic Diet Chock Full Of Saturated Fat, Coconut Oil & Butter Could Be Destroying Your Brain (& What To Do About It).



Several months ago, in this weekly roundup, I commented about the book "Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life", and said:  "I’ve just finished reading an advance copy of this book, written by my friend and former podcast guest, Max Lugavere. At first, I figured it would be another “eggs, walnut and fish make you smarter” type of book, but instead, this manuscript took a deep, deep dive into specific genes that affect intelligence and how to pair them with food, mouthwatering recipes for everything from liver to avocado-salmon bowls, and some very good, step-by-step tips for optimizing your personal environment to enhance your cognition. It is a must read, with many pages folded over in my own copy." Max, a former podcast guest in the episode "The Surprising Facts About What Bread Does To Your Brain (And What You Can Do About It)" also created the documentary "Bread Head". In the film, he explores the impact of our diets and lifestyles on brain health.