Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Sexual Biohacking With Scream Creams, Testosterone Replacement, Multiple Orgasms, Vaginal Stimulating Devices, Salad Dressings For Better Erections & More!



In my previous interview with Dr. Amy Killen, we discussed... ...what PRP therapy is, and how it differs from stem cells, what happens when you inject stem cells into a man’s “unit”, and why Amy injected me, why Amy injects stem cells and PRP into vaginas, and how the O-Shot improves the power and duration of female orgasms, the secrets of the vampire breast lift and other cosmetic procedures she has done, what causes hair loss, and how to fix it with stem cells, what V-Sels are and how they work and much more. Today, Amy's back, along with world renowned sexual technique adviser and the “Dear Abby of Hot Sex”, Susan Bratton. Dr. Amy Killen is a nationally recognized anti-aging and regenerative physician specializing in sexual optimization and longevity. Dr Killen merges diet, lifestyle, and integrative medicine with stem cell medicine to give her patients the most effective, cutting edge therapies currently available to help them reach their sexual potential. An international speaker, clinical practice owner