Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

10 Ways To Grow Tiny Superhumans - Ben Greenfield's Top Tips For Raising Strong, Resilient, Happy Kids



Whether you have kids, plan on having kids, or know kids, you live in a privileged era in which you have the ability to enable the kids in your life to be tiny superhumans who look, feel, think and perform like optimized human beings, and you're about to hear exactly how. Mozart learned to play the piano at the age of four, composed his first piece at age five and wrote his first symphony at age eight. Pablo Picasso, when he was just twelve, had an astonishing grasp of the fundamentals of art and was producing photo-realistic anatomical sketches. Giovanni Bernini was churning out intricate, life-like stone sculptures at only eight years old. But these folks aren’t special childhood prodigies, idiot savants, or some kind of unique autistic geniuses. These are normal human beings. Sadly, in our modern era, we’ve forgotten how to nurture and grow an amazing human body and mind, and instead settled for a generation of kids that wind up on - attached to leashes and chewing on Ritalin. The fact