Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Beauty, Longevity, Biohacking, Building Perfect Eyesight, The Wild Diet, Memory, Learning & Beyond With Vishen Lakhiani.



The TED of Transformation My friend Vishen Lakhiani’s exploration of peak human potential began in 2001, when he took meditation classes to remedy his crushing work stress in a New York technology company. This soon inspired him to launch Mindvalley: a company bringing transformational education to the world Back then, shortly after he launched some of his first meditation apps, I actually hosted Vishen on the podcast  The World's Best Phone Apps For Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation , in which we geeked out on meditation, and the meditation apps that Vishen and his team began designing. After 15 years, 3 million students, and numerous accolades from the likes of Huffington Post, BBC, Inc. Magazine, and WorldBlu, Mindvalley became recognized as one of the world’s top workplaces, and a leading publisher in the personal growth industry. But Vishen’s vision extended further. He believes many aspects of mainstream education remain dangerously stuck in obsolete industrial revolution-era paradigms. And that the evol