Watch This With Rick Ramos

#476 - Alien 3 - WatchThis W/RickRamos



  Dragon, Mother, Queen: Not David Fincher’s Alien 3  Continuing our descent into the world created in 1979's Alien and continued with 1986's Aliens, this week Mr. Chavez & I find ourselves crash landing on Fiorina "Fury" 161 - a foundry and maximum-security planet prison. David Fincher (in his feature directorial debut) takes the helm for 1992's Alien 3. Arguably the most beautifully photographed and intricately detailed entry (production design wise) in the Alien series, Fincher's work in commercials and music videos greatly influenced the look of this film. There's a whole lot going on here and therein lies the problem. Alien 3 is a troubled result of studio interference, Fincher's in-experience as a first-time director, budgetary problems, and a lack of a finished and complete script. There are ideas that are not clearly realized, storylines that are problematically resolved, a theatrical cut and an "assembly cut" (note: not a "director's cut"), cut scenes, and re-shoots that hinder and deviate from F