This Week In Virology With Vincent Racaniello

TWiV 1079: Rock of phages



TWiV reveals how viruses participate in the organomineralization of travertines, and how neutralizing antibodies evolve to exploit vulnerable sites in the hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E2 and mediate clearance of infection. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler, and Brianne Barker Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server MicrobeTV store at Cafepress Become a member of ASV ( Research assistant position in Rosenfeld Lab CBER/FDA (pdf) The New City by Dickson Despommier Global dengue cases rise markedly (WHO) Measles outbreak in Philadelphia (Phil Health Dept) Viruses and organomineralization of travertine (Sci Rep) Neutralizing antibodies and clearance of HCV infection (Immunity) Letters read on TWiV 1079 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks Dickson – Global climate highlights 2023 and 7 new songs you should hear Brianne – Stuff you should kno