We Hate Movies

S14 Ep702: Pumpkinhead



“[Pumpkinhead is] not a major player when you’re dealing out October recommendations…I would argue, maybe it should be?” - Andrew  On this week’s episode, the Halloween Spooktacular continues as the guys talk about the totally kick-ass Lance Henriksen horror vehicle, Pumpkinhead! How great is this big, Stan Winston Workshop-created monster suit? How bad does this witch’s house smell? And is there a functioning toilet anywhere in this town? PLUS: Steve dramatically reads the poem that inspired the film!  Pumpkinhead stars Lance Henriksen, Jeff East, John D’Aquino, Kimberly Ross, Joel Hoffman, Cynthia Bain, Kerry Remsen, Florence Schauffler, Brian Bremer, Dick Warlock, and George ‘Buck’ Flower as Mr. Wallace; directed by Stan Winston. Today’s episode is sponsored in part by James Allen Dot Com. Get 25% off your order when you go to jamesallen.com and use code WHM at checkout! Snag your tix now for our 10/26 worldwide digital experience where we’ll be talking FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER! Want more WH