Drew And Mike Podcast

Drew And Mike – May 2, 2023



KISS drama as WATP Karl joins us, Met Gala ridiculousness, RIP Gordon Lightfoot, Post Malone looks great, Taco Bell's most stoned employee, Vice & Buzzfeed in trouble, and the show get Maz bombed. KISS: Paul Stanley vs Ace Frehley. Elvis Presley was a huge KISS fan. Paul Stanley wants you to know how he feels about the trans movement. A Peter Criss imposter once weaseled his way onto Donahue. RIP Gordon Lightfoot. Crime: Where is Texas Massacre shooter Francisco Oropesa? A bunch of people are dead in Oklahoma thanks to Jesse McFadden. Officer Tou Thao has been found guilty of aiding and abetting manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. People are giving Joe Biden crap for telling some dude to "hush up, boy". He also thinks Ilhan Omar is hot. Tom Mazawey hijacks the show by showing up unannounced. We quickly discuss the return of Justin Verlander, comment on the endless NFL Draft coverage, and then we kick him out. Karl from WATP joins the show to address the drama with Shuli Egar, explain how bad