Drew And Mike Podcast

Drew And Mike – May 21, 2023



Topless Bezos, Shemy Schembechler's twitter gets him fired, RIP Jim Brown, Taylor Swift's porn-loving boyfriend, Sundays with Eli Zaret, Brian Kohbooger on Dateline, Anna Nicole Smith & J Howard Marshall, and Jeffrey Epstein threatened Bill Gates because Bill was being cheap. You guys have had a YouTube channel for 7 years, but you've only got almost 8k subscribers? iTunes screwed us over last week. Eli Zaret drops by to rant against Shemy Schembechler's incredibly quick tenure at Michigan, eulogize the polarizing Jim Brown, the downfall of boxing, Charles Barkley over-exposure, Ja Morant vs the Crips, recap the NBA Playoffs, the Detroit Tigers and the LA Dodgers vs Los Angeles Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Divas: Jay Z and Beyonce have the biggest, ugliest, most expensive house in California. Beyonce is rolling in the dough. Taylor Swift's new man jerks it to "violent rape" porn. Will Taylor Swift ever show her boobs willingly? Janelle Monáe frees the nipple in latest promotion. Henry Ford, Madonn