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13 Explosive Must-Do Marketing Tips for 2024 with Lauren Petrullo



Ralph chats with Lauren Petrullo, the founder and CEO of Mongoose Media, a digital marketing agency that helps e-commerce and brick-and-mortar businesses grow their online presence and revenue. Lauren shares her top 13 tips for digital marketing success in 2024, covering topics such as email verification, BIMI records, conditional logic, meta events, QR codes, reel covers, Q5, and more. Lauren explains why these strategies are essential for optimizing your email deliverability, meta shop visibility, catalog health, and social media promotion. She also reveals some of the tools and resources she uses to implement these tactics and measure their results. Whether you’re an e-commerce store owner, a marketing director, or a business owner, you’ll find tons of valuable insights and actionable tips in this episode to take your digital marketing game to the next level in 2024.Chapters:00:00:00 - Welcoming Lauren Petrullo to PT(Kasim called in "sick")00:03:07 - Revealing Our Contest Winner00:06:58 - Enhancing Email I