This Week In Virology With Vincent Racaniello

TWiV 1075: Fit viruses, parasites, sick chickens



For the last episode of 2023, TWiV describes how ancient chicken remains reveal the increase of fitness and virulence of Marek’s disease virus, and the diversity and dissemination of Leishmania virus in the pathogenic protozoan Leishmania braziliensis. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Kathy Spindler, Brianne Barker and Angela Mingarelli Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server MicrobeTV store at Cafepress Become a member of ASV ( Research assistant position in Rosenfeld Lab CBER/FDA (pdf) The New City by Dickson Despommier Ancient chickens and Marek’s disease virus (Science) Diversity and dissemination of Leishmania virus and L. braziliensis (Nat Comm) Letters read on TWiV 1074 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks Dickson – Addictive Mandelbrot video and Gore slams COP28 summit Angela – 10 top-trending health questions you had for Dr. Google in 2023 Brianne – Tomato lost in space has be