An Interview With Melissa Llarena

210: The Impact of a Mom Who Believes In Her Kids Is Revealed Today (Best of Fertile Imagination Book Launch Party)



Welcome to Episode 210. We're going to talk with Margot Bisnow, who wrote the book, Raising an Entrepreneur: How to Help Your Children Achieve Their Dreams - 99 Stories from Families Who Did. What I love about this conversation is that there are so many moms behind us, and there are also moms ahead of us. This includes moms who have authored books too! Moms to young men as well. The available mom mentors are truly plenty and for that I’m grateful to have had so many book launch conversations like today’s. In this one, Margot Bisnow asked me what I personally learned about myself, about my family, and about writing. If you think you have a book in you and you really mean it then tune into our conversation as it will astound you in terms of what I learned and you could too in 2024! If you love parties then please do say hi on Instagram which was where this party took place: Shop/gift/review - Fertile Imagination: TRANSCRIPT When I wrote Fertile I