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123. Jamie Nicole, Creating Support for the BIPOC Community Living with Autoimmune Diseases



Jamie Nicole is a highly regarded certified health coach dedicated to helping individuals achieve optimal health through complementary medicine and holistic health lifestyle changes. Her passion for health and wellness was sparked when she witnessed the transformative power of holistic health in her own life.  After being diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and later fighting for a narcolepsy diagnosis, Jamie became aware of the lack of representation and access to support for BIPOC individuals with autoimmune conditions. Determined to make a difference, she started engaging in conversations and leading the way for BIPOC individuals suffering from debilitating symptoms. Her story offers hope, understanding, and inspiration to anyone facing similar health challenges while shedding light on the experiences and limitations that many BIPOC individuals encounter on their healing journeys. For more information about Jamie Nicole visit our website at Please note: This podcast is int