On The Edge With April Mahoney

Outside with Jena Ponti Jauchius Landscape Architect for Nature Play Sensory



Youtube versin https://youtu.be/SNdrmEqhNSM https://nisfornatureplay.com Jena, Landscape architect. Nature play expert. Artist-Builder. Garden fanatic. Mom of twins I’ve dedicated my decades-long career to designing children’s nature play areas, sensory gardens, learning landscapes, and custom playscapes. My philosophy has stayed strong - children of all abilities and diversities, from early childhood to teens, need daily access to nature-based environments so they may blossom. I’ve spent almost my entire career designing children’s nature-based play, learning, and therapeutic environments. In 2004, after a series of “A-HA moments”, I began researching neurodiversities, like autism and sensory processing disorders, because I wanted to make sure the spaces I helped create supported all kids and how each are “wired” a little (or a lot) differently. As my understanding of the neurodiverse experience grew, I realized just how important children’s sensory experiences are in play, learning, and connection. For me,