Secret Leaders

Extending human life, with Humanity Co-Founder and CEO Pete Ward



We’re talking to Pete Ward, the Co-Founder and CEO of Humanity. Until now, the thought of slowing or even reversing the ageing process has been pure science fiction. But using readily available technology, Humanity are out to change that.  As a society, we’ve fallen prey to the idea that there’s a one size-fits-all methodology that will improve people’s health -exercise more, eat healthier, drink less - you’ve heard it all before. But Humanity, have recognised that everyone is built differently. By using their app to track your nutrition, movement and mind, Humanity say you can compare yourself against the global datasets, revealing what you, specifically, should do to improve your personal health. Before Humanity, Pete had several successes behind him.One of his earliest was, which he also Co-Founded. They were the largest social travel network for over 13 years before he sold it to to in 2016. And now, with Humanity, he wants to have a more meaningful impact on the world.  Pete’s sto