Watch This With Rick Ramos

#460 - Invasion of the Body Snatchers - WatchThis W/RickRamos



The Horror Double: Invasion of the Body Snatchers  This week Ibrahim & I look at a classic (a standard) of the Horror Genre - Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 & 1978) and Body Snatchers (1993). Based on the 1954 Jack Finney Sci-Fi Novel, directors Don Siegel, Philip Kaufman, and Abel Ferrara have taken drastically different approaches to this material. Each film is a classic in their own rights. Take a listen and see if you agree with out assessments. As always we'd love to hear your comments and contributions at Many Thanks.  As always, we continue to look to you good and loyal listeners for support. If you have listened and enjoyed our bantering over these nearly eight years please feel free to support us with a monetary contribution. We're not asking for a whole lot. Whatever you can give is appreciated. Follow the link below to contribute.  Our Continued Thanks.