The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The Second Date - MTP374



Co-Host Cyndi Olin ( Sometimes even after nearly 400 episodes, it occurs to me that we've let a reasonably important topic somehow slip through the cracks after all these years. This time we're catching up on the idea of second dates. It all started when my long-time friend and erstwhile Clubhouse colleague Cyndi Olin wrote an excellent article to her mostly female audience about why men don't ask women out again after the first date. Although she warned her readers the real reasons aren't what they may seem, it occurred to me that plenty of us as men can't always put our finger on the 'why' there, either. So naturally, we kick off the show by hashing that question out. Then, Cyndi herself brings up the idea of what I call 'warm levity'...and the version of it she teaches women. Where should you go on the second date, and what questions should the two of you ask each other? What changes if you're not exactly relationship-minded right now? Do people sometimes go out on secon