Watch This With Rick Ramos

#455 - Don't Look Now - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Horror Well-Cut: Nicholas Roeg's Don't Look Now This week Ibrahim & I continue our descent into Horror Cinema with a look at a British Classic, Nicholas Roeg's Don't Look Now (1973). Beautifully edited, masterfully directed, and sensitively acted (from stars Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland), Nicholas Roeg's film examines the struggle of a married couple as they attempt to continue living after the accidental drowning of their young daugter. Featuring a sex scene that has stirred controversy and speculation for over forty years, Roeg's film utilizes tension built through incredible tension and editing. Don't Look Now is a film that has continued to captivate critics while unsettling audiences since the film's premiere in 1973. Take a listen and let us know what you think. We can be reached at If you've listened to us over the years, or if you're new to the podcast, and you'd like to support us you can click on the link below and donate to this long-running labor of love. Simply cl