Reiki Radio

I'm Spilling the Reiki Radio Tea!



Beautiful Alchemists, Today, I’m spilling the Reiki Radio tea, and to thank you all so much for being a part of the Reiki Radio community. On September 4th, we will celebrate TEN YEARS of learning together in this beautiful space. I can’t tell you what an honor it has been to receive your emails and work with you in classes. The podcast has been an incredible vehicle of connection and community, beyond anything I could have imagined. Thank you to every guest that has come to share with us! It’s always a pleasure learning through the experiences and teachings of others. I can’t wait for the conversations that await us in season 11! Follow me at for notifications of upcoming episodes! Now let’s celebrate… In a deep bow of gratitude, and in honor of the birthday of Reiki Radio AND The Energetic Alchemist Oracle, I have two gifts for you… If you’ve activated monthly membership on the app, you’ll have access to a FREE, new class, on September 4th, which will only be available on