The Reboot Podcast

#28 Reclaiming the Shadow - with Tracy Lawrence and Jerry Colonna



The shadow is everything about ourselves that we do not know or refuse to know, both dark and light. It is the sum total of the positive and negative traits, feelings, beliefs, and potentials we refuse to identify as our own. The shadow is that part of us that is incompatible with who we think we are or are supposed to be. - David Richo Tracy Lawrence, Co-founder and CEO of Chewse, and Jerry talk about authenticity, leading from the heart, and the power of embracing the lost and disowned parts of ourselves. For Tracy, it’s not only about being there for the little girl who was bullied in middle school, but also about owning her very own inner bully. Reclaiming that part of herself will not only impact her approach to the latest company experiment, but it also might affect her own leadership and bring her and her company deeper into alignment. links Chewse - Tracy Lawrence on Twitter "Shadow Dance" by David Richo