Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Episode 7 - Mark Consuelos On Breaking Hispanic Stereotypes, Anthony Mendez On Emmy Love, Tanzina Vega On Media Diversity



In this seventh episode, actor Mark Consuelos (1:27), whose new show PITCH premiered this week on FOX, talks to me about what it’s like to co-host with his wife, "Live with Kelly Ripa," the most coveted seat in morning television right now, plus, his opinion on whether he feels more Hispanic or American, and his answer on what his favorite album is… will leave you crying.  I also caught up with Jane The Virgin’s Latin Lover, two-time Emmy nominated voice narrator Anthony Mendez (14:21) tells me what his second Emmy nomination meant to him, his involvement with Disney’s first Latina Princess and why his decision to leave the NY area for Hollywood was a tough one. And finally, have you ever wondered why there are barely any people of color on-air and off in national newsrooms today? Is it management or is it us? What can we do to fix it? I discuss this important matter with former NY Times and current CNN digital reporter on race and inequality Tanzina Vega (38:53) on the tribulations of being a m