Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Episode 11 - The Impact Of A Donald Trump Presidency



Welcome everyone to the 11th episode of the Highly Relevant podcast. It’s a new day, a new United State of America and happy pop culture escapism is taking a back seat on this episode as I want to use this forum to talk about the reality of a Trump Presidency. People are upset. Half of America is protesting in the streets across the nation and there’s this feeling of hopeless that has seeped into half of the country. The only way to get passed this is by opening the right channels of conversation, by asking direct, but honest questions that you won’t hear from particular news networks. Think of this platform as an alternative voice to legacy media, a place where YOUR voice does matter, especially right now. In today’s episode we are speaking to an wide array of people such as Glenn Albright (11:26) a clinical psychologist about the malaise that many people are feeling at this moment. What is it and how do we recover from it? I also chat with reporter Alex Emmons (21:30) from the news website The Intercept