Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Episode 15 - A Discussion on the 3 Best Movies of 2016



Christmas is here and instead of repeating a show, why not give you an original episode based upon 3 marvelous films. Joining me to discuss them is Mike Sargeant from WBAI and seen on FOX News and Lisa Rosman from NY1. The movies are La La Land (3:14), Moonlight (7:15) and Arrival (17:55). We also chat a bit about Martin Scorsese's Silence, Birth of a Nation and diversity in Hollywood. Episode Summary: Silence :48 La La Land 3:14 Moonlight 7:15 Birth of a Nation 10:00 Arrival 17:55 Nocturnal Animals 22:16 Best Actress 2016 22:38 You'd like to give us your feedback or get a shout-out? Email us at highlyrelevant@showbizcafe.com and help us spread the word on social media: Twitter Facebook Instagram If you enjoyed this episode head on over to iTunes and kindly leave us a rating, a review and please subscribe! Ways to subscribe to Highly Relevant with Jack Rico:      •   Click here to subscribe via iTunes     •   Click here to subscribe via Spotify     •   You can also subscribe via Stitcher <p> &l