Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Episode 22 - Jose Diaz-Balart on Trump, Hispanic Media and Immigration, Singer Tommy Torres on Latino Crossovers, 'Logan' Movie Review



Thank you for downloading episode 22 of the Highly Relevant Podcast! This week, I interview Tommy Torres, a former Ricky Martin producer turned singer, who for the first-time ever, revealed to me why he and other Latin musicians fear crossing-over into the English-language mainstream. We also chat with the premiere Hispanic news anchor in our country - Telemundo and NBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart - who was invited to the private Donald Trump meeting with network anchors and reveals to us never-before heard details on the meeting and what he said to Trump himself. That plus my film review of Marvel’s new Wolverine film…LOGAN. Episode Summary: Tommy Torres :53 How he became a producer 1:15 What differentiates his live shows from other Latin acts: 3:48 How he met Daddy Yankee for the first time and how he describes his song "Tu y Yo": 5:36 What makes Daddy Yankee so special from the rest of the Reggaetonero acts: 8:03 Does he think Spanish language music will ever reach mainstream: 10:39 Tommy reveals ex