Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Ep 65 - Why "In Living Color" Matters Today with Author David Peisner



Author David Peisner joins the show to discuss his new book “Homey Don't Play That! The Story of In Living Color and the Black Comedy Revolution”. What you'll hear today is David speaking about why this book was so important for him to write, the significance of "In Living Color" today, the discovery of talented cast members such as Jamie Foxx, Rosie Perez, Jennifer Lopez and Jim Carrey, why an English-language Latino sketch comedy has never been successful, and the reasons why so many people love Black entertainment.Episode SummaryWhy David wrote the bookHow race played a huge part in the comedy of the showThe cultural significance behind the showHow popular culture today is informed on Black cultureThe recruitment of the talented cast such as Jamie Foxx, Rosie Perez, Jennifer Lopez and Jim CarreyWhy the show endedWill "In Living Color" ever return?Why Latino sketch-comedies haven't worked on mainstream televisionIf you’d like to listen to more episodes with this format, leave us your thoughts on Twitter @ja