Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Ep 80 - Blockchain For Latinos - Can They All Achieve Middle-Class Or More With It?



For those of you who might have heard of Blockchain, but haven’t necessarily done enough research on it, Oscar Garcia, CEO of Uulala, a technology platform company that uses blockchain technology, helps us understand who should use blockchain, why they should use it and how he believes Uulala can elevate Latinos in this country to a middle-class economy and provide 6 trillion dollars to our GDP.Would you like to get in touch with us? Email us at highlyrelevant@showbizcafe.com and help us spread the word on social media:TwitterFacebookInstagramIf you enjoyed this episode head on over to iTunes and kindly leave us a rating, a review and please subscribe!Ways to subscribe to Highly Relevant with Jack Rico:     • Click here to subscribe via iTunes    • Click here to subscribe via Spotify    • Click here to subscribe via Stitcher