Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Ep 82 - Director Jim McKay Talks 'En El Septimo Día' Film, Why Are Hispanics Invisible On Morning Political Shows?



Jim McKay, writer/director of the EN EL SEPTIMO DIA, the film that many top critics are calling “one of the best films of 2018 so far,” and a potential Best Picture Oscar nominee, joins us to discuss why as a Caucasian director he felt the need to make this Brooklyn comedy about undocumented Mexican immigrants having to decide between their jobs or a soccer game.Then we chat with the President of the NAHJ (National Association of Hispanic Journalists), Brandon Benavides, about why Hispanic journalists are invisible on the Sunday political shows and morning network news programs like TODAY and GMA.Would you like to get in touch with us? Email us at highlyrelevant@showbizcafe.com and help us spread the word on social media:TwitterFacebookInstagramIf you enjoyed this episode head on over to iTunes and kindly leave us a rating, a review and please subscribe!Ways to subscribe to Highly Relevant with Jack Rico:     • Click here to subscribe via iTunes    • Click here to subscribe via Spotify    • Click here to subs