Highly Relevant With Jack Rico

Ep 104 - Director Cristina Gallegos on Narco Film 'Birds of Passage', Antonio Chavez Trejo Shoots a Film on an iPhone



Cristina Gallegos is the co-director of the new Colombian narco film Birds of Passage (Pajaros de Verano). We get into why she’s reclaiming the way Colombian drug movies are seen in Hollywood, the shame Latin Americans carry with their ethnicity, why she chooses to make high-brow films, and how Latina female directors are making a difference on film. (1:10)Then, Mexican filmmaker Antonio Chavez Trejo shares with us the secrets of how he shot an award winning film with just his iPhone and how YOU can too! (22:11)Would you like to get in touch with us? Email us at highlyrelevant@showbizcafe.com and help us spread the word on social media:TwitterFacebookInstagramIf you enjoyed this episode head on over to iTunes and kindly leave us a rating, a review and please subscribe!Ways to subscribe to Highly Relevant with Jack Rico:     • Click here to subscribe via iTunes    • Click here to subscribe via Spotify    • Click here to subscribe via Stitcher