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Xochitl Gonzalez on Navigating the Complexities of Social Climbing For Latinos



Our first guest of 2023 is Xochitl Gonzalez, the multi-talented Puerto Rican-Mexican American writer of the New York Times best-seller "Olga Dies Dreaming" and staff writer for The Atlantic Magazine. She's here to discuss with me her latest thought-provoking article, "The New Case for Social Climbing," and its impact on people of color, particularly Latinos. In our interview, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of seeking higher social status, the right and wrong ways to do it, and why Latinos are more likely to succeed at it. We also get an update on her Hulu TV adaptation of "Olga Dies Dreaming” starring Aubrey Plaza and Ramon Rodriguez. Episode BreakdownTopic 1: What is Social Climbing?Xochitl's definition of social climbingCommon misconceptions about social climbingDifferences between social climbing and networking Topic 2: The Pros and Cons of Social ClimbingAdvantages of social climbingDisadvantages of social climbingHow social climbing can impact personal relationships Topic 3: Strategies for S