Watch This With Rick Ramos

#450 - One False Move - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Murder Comes Home - Carl Franklin's One False Move  This week I take a look at Carl Franklin's 1992 directorial debut, the powerful and disturbing, One False Move. Featuring Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thorton, Cynda Williams, Earl Billings, Jim Metzler, and Michael Beach,  in a film the great film critic Roger Ebert called, "a powerful directing job. He (Franklin) starts with an extraordinary screenplay and then finds the right tones and moods for every scene, realizing it's not the plot we care about, it’s the people." Gene Siskel would name it the best film of 1992. It was a thrill to re-watch it and record my thoughts on this brililant first film. Take a listen and let me know what you think. Questions, Comments, Complaints, and Suggestions can be directed to  If you've listened to us over the years, or if you're new to the podcast, and you'd like to support us you can click on the link below and donate to this long-running labor of love. Simply click on the link below and go to the Buy M