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The Homestead is a bed & breakfast inn nestled along the coastline of Southern New England in the small beach town of Madison, Connecticut, close to beaches, bistros, and shopping. The property includes11 individual bedrooms, each with its own private bathroom, and has several public areas featuring a living room with fireplace, dining room, and sun room -- plus outdoor grounds with patios, two fire pits, and a deck. Family-run for more than 30 years -- across three generations -- the house was built in 1958 but has recently received a total renovation. Learn more about this country house and beach town Thursday, August 3, when owner Ralph Guardiano visits TRAVEL ITCH RADIO. Hear his interview with Dan Schlossberg and co-host Maryellen Nugent Lee live at 8p EDT on iTunes or BlogTalkRadio.com or check out the archived show later on the TRAVEL ITCH RADIO Facebook page. This will be the 515th episode in the show's12-year run. ​