Victoria University Of Wellington - Podcast

The legal low-down on the lockdown - Part Four



Curious about the legal implications of the lockdown? Do you want to know more on the New Zealand Government’s legal framework during this COVID-19 situation and what it means for us in the future? In the fourth episode of the series, our Law Faculty academics; Geoff McLay, Dean Knight, Claudia Geiringer, Eddie Clark, Nessa Lynch and Yvette Tinsley continue the discussion on the legal implications of the government’s response to COVID-19. • Legality of the lockdown and orders under the Health Act • Cases testing the lockdown (A & B v Ardern habeas corpus appeal; Borrowdale v Director-General judicial review) • The government's refusal of a compassionate exemption to quarantine being overturned • What's been happening in Parliament • Police powers and accountability • Addressing delay in the criminal courts - bringing back jury trials This initiative aims to create awareness of the legal implications during this testing situation. The New Zealand legal approach is indeed different. Our academics are glad t