Victoria University Of Wellington - Podcast

The legal low-down on the lockdown: Part Six



Curious about the legal implications of the lockdown? Do you want to know more on the New Zealand Government’s legal framework during this COVID-19 situation and what it means for us in the future? In the sixth episode of the series, our Faculty of Law academics; Geoff McLay, Nessa Lynch, Eddie Clark and Dean Knight continue the discussion on the legal implications of the government’s response to COVID-19. - Criminal court protocols under Alert Level 2—balancing expediency with procedural rights - State surveillance, social licence and facial recognition technology - New Alert Level 2 words—will we ever really replace “bubbles"? - Are church services allowed as “services” or banned as “gatherings"? - Update on what didn’t happen in the Borrowdale case this week - Happenings around Parliament—COVID-19 Public Health Response Act and the Epidemic Response Committee - Document dumps and government openness