Chris Wallker

Golden Handcuffs



TRANSCRIPT We all wear golden handcuffs when it all boils down, don't we? Something new we really want. sticks its head up out of the trench and suddenly we find ourselves working our butt off in order to pay it off. That's the golden handcuffs secret. And none of us are living in Buddhist monasteries or ashrams. In Nepal, or wherever in Bali. And so we do have commitments on one hand, financial demands on the other hand, and a job from which we derive the income and people will constantly talk about this current concept of a gold pair of golden handcuffs. I remember when I was about 18 years old, my dad said to me by property, because it will make you safe and it will make you work for an objective and I think holding an objective for our work is really important, especially if we can't find purpose in the work constantly to drive us forward. So the motivation to pay our bills and the motivation to buy a bigger house or a better car can be a really strong driving force to cause us to go towards achievement.