Chris Wallker




TRANSCRIPT From time to time, you're going to feel sad. And you're going to wonder what to do about it and who to approach and how to get around it. Sadness is part of nature, and it's a bit of downtime so that there's three. Let's talk about this for a minute. There's three levels of sadness. There's physical, mental, and spiritual, or let's call it for that for the sake of a better word, emotional. Physical sadness comes when the when our physical body runs out of juice, and that's typically the possibilities typically because we're not Well, typically because our immune system is breaking down. We might be over exercising, but typically the most common reason for sadness in the physical body is that we're living in fight flight we're living in got to where we live in a got to state of mind we're on red alert, so we're always nervous. We're always on the edge. We're always worried that disasters going to come or something's gonna break or we're gonna get fired from our job or divorce from a partner or our p