The Secret To Success With Cj & Eric Thomas | Inspiration | Personal Development | Success

394 - Pretend Rich - Building Wealth From The Ground Up!



In this episode, the guys continue discussing appropriate amounts of service tipping. They also elaborate on the mindset needed to have favorable outcomes with money.  Favorable Takeaways Don’t live in fear! Work to obtain the income you desire.  Focus more on revenue!  Don’t trade time for money! Who you surround yourself with and the activities you engage in when you're with them shape your reality.  Different Ways To Distribute Money Tithing  Giving Sharing Questions  1) How do you view money? 2) What are your thoughts on tipping? 3) How well do you manage money? 4) Do you have a plan for the money you spend? What does your budget look like? 5) Are you missing out on opportunities from not wanting to invest in yourself or others? Listener Perks Organifi Is giving our listeners up to 20% off of their order! Just go to Support your journey from sunrise to sunset with fan-favorite superfoods backed by science to replenish micronutrients, support energy and bala