On The Edge With April Mahoney

Deidrea Kiesling podcaster, life coach & motivator owner of "The Dream Academy"



https://youtu.be/k3K7dAyT_s4    youtube version     https://www.thedreamacademy.com I'm Deidrea! Dreamer, Mother, Entrepreneur & Coach After 30 years in corporate America and leaving 5 different times to start my own business, I finally figured it out and now I want to help you so it won't take you as long Juggling multiple businesses and projects along with the craziness of life, I always felt like I never had enough time to do the things I wanted to do to realize my dreams and goals I would try another program, another planner another coach but I would end up in a week or a month back to where I started out....stressed out, overwhelmed and not enough time. Now I am able to do more in less time and I want to teach you how to do that to because YOUR DREAMS MATTER and SO DO YOU!