Nicole Bremner

The importance of being authentic and making a positive impact on social media with influencer Elizabeth Cates #70



Ep#70 :  We're kicking off 2021 in style with influencer Elizabeth Cates. She's calling out all those tone deaf influencers holidaying in Dubai and plastering your feeds with their bikini shots while we're locked up during a pandemic. Also those who portray an unrealistic lifestyle they can't afford thanks to all the freebies they receive. Instead Elizabeth believes that we should all use our platform for good only posting what is authentic. We had an interesting discussion about using your platform for good especially in a time of the #BLM and this global pandemic. Elizabeth shares the nitty-gritty of being a conscious creator and invites you to her advocacy on making a positive conversation and making an impact on social media .About Elizabeth Cates :Elizabeth Cates is a content creator and advocate for positive social media, meaning, she cultivates conversation with other industry insiders about the trending topics in social media. She moved to the UK five years ago and started her blog