The Crazy One

Ep 111 #ShareTheMicNow: Dismantling White Supremacy in Design by Antionette Carroll



The fourth of the #ShareTheMicNow episodes was created by Antionette Carroll in conversation with David Clifford the founder of Design School X and Liberatory Design, and Timothy Bardlavens co-founder of &Design and Product Design Manager at Facebook discussing Dismantling White Supremacy in Design. Antionette D. Carroll is the Founder and CEO of Creative Reaction Lab, a nonprofit social enterprise designing healthy and racially equitable communities for Black and Latinx populations through education and training programs, community engagement consulting, an online national platform, and open-source tools and resources. Creative Reaction Lab is creating a collaborative youth-led, community-centered movement challenging racial inequities in the education, media, health and healthcare, and government and public service sectors. Within this capacity, Antionette has pioneered a new form of creative problem solving called Equity-Centered Community Design. Throughout her career, Antionette has worked for non-pr