Startups For the Rest of Us

Episode 516 | When to Re-write Your SaaS Codebase



Matt Wensing returns for his third appearance on the podcast. He is the founder of Summit and was in TinySeed Batch 1. We dive into Matt's decision-making process for re-writing the entire codebase. We talk about choosing the right features to build, talking to your customers, starting with a blank slate vs templates, and much more. The topics we cover [06:48] How to handle customers that are not engaging [11:35] Figuring out the right features to build [19:24] Making the decision to re-write the codebase [31:27] The value of forecasting [33:18] Designing a sparse SaaS homepage Links from the show Out of Beta Things You Should Never Do, Part I Episode 450 | Founder Hotseat: Matt Wensing of SimSaaS on Making Consistent, Needle-Moving Progress Episode 491 | Hard Lessons Learned, Reaching High-Touch Prospects, Finding Advisors, and More Listener Questions Episode 489 | 15 Years to a SaaS Exit (Plus Why Forecasting is Crucial) Summit | Twitter Summit | Website Matt