Startups For the Rest of Us

TinySeed Tales S2E4 | Being Married and Being Co-Founders



Brian & Scottie Elliott are the husband & wife co-founders of Gather, an interior design project management app. Today we're going to dive into the stress that comes with entrepreneurship and how it shows up in their personal lives. Moving up from one customer segment to another is hard. Each customer segment is like an Island with a body of water between them. They're crossing that body of water from servicing one and two-person teams to serving larger architecture firms with 20 person teams. We hear how they are managing this difficult and stressful moment both as co-founders and as married partners. The topics we cover [01:40] Leveraging testimonials when moving upmarket It's an approach you should explore as early as possible when trying to move into a new segment of the market One of the reasons why trials are kind of a little bit lower this month is because some of the traffic that we've been getting is probably more geared towards the residential side and they're seeing this new messaging