Startups For the Rest of Us

TinySeed Tales S2E5 | The Gamble of Raising Prices



On Episode 5 of TinySeed Tales, we learn about the success of their recent outbound email campaign. We also hear about their progress with raising their prices and transitioning away from Gather's solo pricing tier. The topics we cover [02:00] Checking in on the past few weeks A little bit of an emotional roller coaster We have definitely made some inroads with teams We haven't had the growth that we were hoping for Feeling a a little anxious about how it's all gonna play out. There's a time here where it's very uncertain because you're kind of leaving the solo practitioners behind, but you haven't quite reached product market fit. There's also a little bit of insecurity with the product It's a huge mind shift all together selling into these teams We were hoping for more of a spike and it's just been this slow, steady growth, which is not bad. It's growing as usual, but that's not helpful when you had to take all this risk [05:51] Patience can be dangerous Going forward Gather will be dro