Watch This With Rick Ramos

#443 - Altered States - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Hidden in the Mind: Ken Russell's Altered States  This week Mr. Chavez and I continue our exploration of mind-altering narratives with a look at Ken Russell's 1980 Hollywood debut, Altered States. While not a completely successful film, there are elements here that force the audience to look deeper into the subject of sensory deprivation, isolation tanks, hallucinogenic drugs and the controversial work of counterculture  scientist, John C. Lilly. Perhaps a victim of 1980s cinematic limitations, Russell's film (from a screenplay by noted playwright and screenwriter, Paddy Chayefksy) touches on a number of interesting factors without being able to successfully depict them on screen. As always, it's an interesting conversation between the two of us, and one that we believe you will enjoy. There's quite a bit to unpack in this episode. We hope you'll join us. Questions, Comments, Complaints, and Suggestions can be directed to Many Thanks.  If you've listened to us over the years, or if you'r