Marketing Today With Alan Hart

323: The Scientific Method and Marketing with Campbell’s Linda Lee



Using her background as an engineer, Linda Lee, CMO of Meals & Beverages at Campbell Soup Company, institutes the Scientific Method in marketing the large portfolio of brands under the Campbell umbrella. Starting in product development at P&G, her career journey led her into marketing at notable companies like P&G, General Mills, Cadbury, Ipsos, and Stonyfield.This episode shares Alan and Linda’s discussion of her career journey, how she is modernizing a storied brand and its multiple brands, and why she feels saying yes opens new doors.In this episode, you'll learn:How in-home insights are critical to today’s marketing and how it has changed since COVIDHow to use the Scientific Method in marketing brandsHow Campbell is driving product innovation and developmentKey Highlights[00:33] Linda’s superpower[01:46] Linda’s career journey[09:44] How Linda is modernizing this brand that has stood the test of time[12:04] Linda’s starting point with a giant portfolio and customer insights[15:18] Thoughts on